Public Colleges in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Public Colleges, Cost and Affordability for 2016

How much does it cost to attend public college in Pennsylvania? The average annual in-state four year, public college tuition in Pennsylvania was $10, 944 for the 2014-2015 academic year. This is a change of $499 from the 2012-2013 average of $10, 445 and represents a 4.78% annual increase. The list of Pennsylvania public colleges below provides school specific cost and value rating. Public schools are partially funded by the taxpayers of Pennsylvania and usually offer lower tuition to in-state residents.

Our guide surveyed tuition data from the 58 public colleges and universities in Pennsylvania, the most popular being Penn State Main Campus with 43, 106 full time students and an in-state tuition list price of $16, 572. University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Campus is the most expensive public school in Pennsylvania with an in-state tuition of $16, 872.

Click on any school for current tuition, future cost estimates, school specific savings plans and estimated student loan payments. Pennsylvania colleges can also be filtered by public, private, community colleges and four year schools. Additionally, cost based sorting is available for the lowest and highest tuition options. Jump directly to our ranking of best values in Pennsylvania or cheap Pennsylvania colleges guide.

Rating is a CollegeCalc proprietary national percentile ranking of a college's overall difficulty and educational effectiveness. An average score is 50. Dollar value is a measure of a school's academic rating compared with the average net price paid. Colleges which are ranked "n/a" didn't report sufficient data to formulate a score. Learn more about our ratings.

All price data are reprinted from the U.S. Department of Education's 2014-2015 IPEDS Survey and reflect reported costs for the 2014-2015 academic year.

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