Praxis® Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core)
Candidates must pass all three Praxis® Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) exams. If you wish to take all three Core exams (5712, 5722, 5732) at the same time, select Core Academic Skills for Educators: Combined Test (5751) when registering. Scores will be reported by individual test (5712, 5722, 5732).
Those who have taken the Pre-Professional Skills Tests (PPST®) — 0710/5710, 0720/5720, and 0730/5730 — are required to meet the passing scores of 174 for 0710/5710, 172 for 0720/5720 and 172 for 0730/5730. Please note: You cannot take a combination of Core and PPST exams. You must pass all three Core exams in order to meet the Core requirement or pass all three PPST exams in order to meet the PPST requirement.
Elementary Education
Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (5014 or 5018) is not an approved NV Elementary Test!
Elementary Education: Instructional Practice and Applications (5019) is a computer-delivered test.
Those who took 0011/5011 and 0012 are required to meet the approved passing scores of 158 for 0011/5011 and 135 for 0012.
Middle School Education
Those applying for single subject middle school license are required to take the content test and the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT 7–12).
Secondary Education
Secondary teachers have the option of either taking the Pedagogy test for that content specific area or the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) 7–12. If a content specific area does not contain a pedagogy test, you are required to take the PLT 7–12.